Ubiquity Theatre Company

  • In Sachsen



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Die Vorteile, hier zu studieren

Theater-Aufführungen und -Trainingsworkshops


Ubiquity (ju: ˈbɪk wɪ ti) / Allgegenwärtigkeit = Theater für JEDERMANN / Theatre for EVERYONE.

2002 wurde Ubiquity in Birmingham (England) gegründet; 2005 zogen wir nach Leipzig und arbeiten seitdem daran unsere Ziele und Ideale weiter auszubauen um der Gesellschaft in unserer neuen Heimat kreative Möglichkeiten für Unterhaltung, persönliche Entwicklung, Bildung und frische Ideen anzubieten.

Ubiquity are a fully bilingual (English and German) theatre company based in Leipzig, Germany. Founded in Birmingham (England) in 2002, they moved to Leipzig in 2005, looking to establish and develop their specialty of using theatre and the performing arts within communities to educate, empower, enlighten and to ask questions about the world in which we live.

Their motto ‘Theater für Jedermann’ (theatre for everyone) is the basis for all that they do. Ubiquity believe that theatre and the arts should be there for everyone in our society to be used for creative enlightenment and as a tool for social change. They run weekly courses that teach theatre skills, and run tailored workshops within schools, prisons, homes for the disabled and for businesses..

Ubiquity Theatre Company