
In Milano (Italien)

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  • Kursart


  • Ort

    Milano (Italien)

  • Dauer

    3 Jahre

The course of Graphic Design aims to form a designer of visual communication. This professional role foresees the ability to create communication tools, and to create the language and images which are capable of effectively transmitting the message and the value they are striving for. Gerichtet an: Students interested in the following professional profiles: Graphic Artist, Visual Communications Manager, Multimedia Designer

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Milano (Italien)
Karte ansehen
Via Sciesa, 4, 20135


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  • Design
  • Graphic Design


The areas in which the Graphic Designer operates, range from the design of the visual identity of a company or product, to the realization of the packaging, to the creation of the graphics used in all company communication channels on line and off.

The first year of the course of Graphic Design is dedicated to the introductory aspects of the field, and specifically to acquiring the basics, with regard to the culture, the tools and the rules which distinguish and characterize a project based behavior. In particular: font types used as tools of the graphic artist, the genesis and perception of forms and colors, software specific to graphics, the elaboration of images, including the cultural knowledge which allows one to interpret and decode the language of visual communication and cinema.

The second year concentrates on the methodology and project design internships. The future Graphic Designer gains knowledge and competence in several specific professional fields, through practical experience in three areas of visual communications: the area of expressiveness, where symbols are transformed into trademarks, logos, posters; the area of rationality, where story building takes place through text, images and pages, and where each element has a precise role, and finds its place through the graphical and typographical choices made; lastly the interactive area, and the organization of information which is available to the end user.

During the third year of the course of Graphic Design, the student concentrates on advanced project design through professional real world assistant training, experiencing real life situations as required of a Graphic Designer: from the corporate image, to product communication projects, editorial graphics to interactive design and television graphics, all through an extensive cross-media experience. The final thesis project is both complex and detailed, carried out in collaboration with organizations and companies who work together with the European Design Institute and who are looking for original and innovative solutions.

The course is recognized by MIUR as an Academic Diploma Level I

Graphic Design

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