Business Process Management


In Vaduz (Schweiz)

3.078,82 € MwSt.-frei


Originalbetrag in CHF:

CHF 3.000


  • Kursart


  • Ort

    Vaduz (Schweiz)

  • Dauer

    2 Jahre

Gerichtet an: Bachelorabolventen der Fächer Wirtschaftsinformatik, BWL, Informatik oder anderer naturwissenschaftlicher Studienrichtungen.

Standorte und Zeitplan



Vaduz (Schweiz)
Karte ansehen
Fürst-Franz-Josef-Strasse, 9490


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Joining the Master's degree programme in Business Process Management (BPM) at University of Liechtenstein means learning in one of the most active BPM research groups in Europe. Four Professors, 15 senior lecturers and research assistants and around 20 visiting professors engage in the programme from all over the world and contribute to the high quality standard in teaching. Only 25 students a year enter the programme, which hosts up to 10 different nationalities.

Business Process Management (BPM) has become a core competence for organizations in a constantly changing international environment. Future managers need the unique ability to deeply understand a business situation, swiftly identify business opportunities and - more than ever - effectively implement them into their business processes as a basis for sustainable profitable growth.

Our aim is to equip young professionals with these competencies. Teaching professional expertise on a high academic level and combining it with practical application in real business situations lies at the core of our philosophy. The Master's degree programme in Business Process Management advances all skills needed for the design and management of business processes. These comprise substantial knowledge in the field of business process management and information technology with a special focus on the nexus of the two - the IT / business alignment by means of business process management.

In our programme outline, we place high emphasis on your personal interests and provide you with skills to tackle the challenge of using technology in an economically meaningful, effective and innovative way. The programme has been developed in collaboration with renowned representatives from the industry as well as the administrative sector, and it is carried out with a strong focus on your professional career in an international setting.

The multicultural and interdisciplinary background of our students and the modern site of the campus in the beautifully located alpine Liechtenstein provide a unique atmosphere for exchanging ideas and making your study time here a constructive learning experience and food for thought.

We look forward to meeting open-minded, curious and inspiring people who become actively involved in shaping their study time at the University of Liechtenstein.

Fact Sheet

Academic degree: Master of Science in Business Process Management

Start: Last week in September

Duration: 4 semesters full-time study

Time of presence: Thursday - Saturday

Credits: 120 ECTS

Language: English

Business Process Management

3.078,82 € MwSt.-frei


Originalbetrag in CHF:

CHF 3.000