LIVEINAR - Administering SSSD on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12



1.490 € inkl. MwSt.


  • Kursart


  • Methodik


  • Dauer

    2 Tage

"The course is ideal for system administrators and consultants who need to:
*+ Better understand the use case of the SSSD and it?s features*+ Deploy new systems using the SSSD*+ Migrate from legacy PAM LDAP or PAM LDAP/Kerberos configurations*+ More tightly integrate Linux systems into Active Directory environments*+ Assess environment design choices, SSSD best practices and administration"

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  • Server
  • SUSE
  • Linux


This new 2 day course covers covers the System Security Service Daemon (SSSD) as deployed on the SLES 12 platform. The SSSD, designed for and available for nearly all Linux distributions, is fast becoming the Linux server authentication framework of choice. Comprehensive documentation and technical instruction on the concepts, use cases and deployment techniques for system administrators is still difficult to obtain. This course attempts to do just that.

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LIVEINAR - Administering SSSD on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12

1.490 € inkl. MwSt.