LIVEINAR - Oracle Database 12c: Managing Multitenant Architecture



1.340 € inkl. MwSt.


  • Kursart


  • Methodik


  • Dauer

    2 Tage

Für diesen Oracle Database 12c: Managing Multitenant Architecture Kurs sind Sie Datenbankdesigner, Data Warehouse-Administrator oder Datenbankadministrator.  "

Hinweise zu diesem Kurs

"Voraussetzung für eine erfolgreiche Teilnahme sind folgende Kenntnisse: 
*+ Knowledge of non-CDB configuration and management*+ Working knowledge of SQL and use of PL/SQL packages*+ Working knowledge of tools like SQL*Plus or Enterprise Manager Cloud Control*+ Oracle Database 12c: Administration Workshop*+ Oracle Database 12c: Backup and Recovery Workshop "

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"Die Trainings-Schwerpunkte werden nach Ihrem persönlichen Beratungsgespräch festgelegt. In diesem Oracle Training sind folgende Themen vorgesehen: Introduction
- Course Objectives
- Course Schedule
- Tools

Container and Pluggable Database Architecture
- Challenges and Benefits
- Multitenant Architecture
- Provisioning PDBs
- Terminology

CDB and PDB Creation
- Using Tools
- Configuring and Creating a CDB
- Creating PDBs
- Dropping PDBs
- Migrating PDBs

Managing a CDB and PDBs
- Connection
- Managing a CDB and PDBs
- Managing PDBs Open Mode and Settings
- Configuring CDB and PDBs Initialization Parameters

Managing Storage in a CDB and PDBs
- Managing Permanent Tablespaces in CDB and PDBs
- Managing Temporary Tablespaces in CDB and PDBs

Managing Security in a CDB and PDBs
- Managing Common and Local Users
- Managing Common and Local Privileges
- Managing Common and Local Roles
- Understanding Shared and Non-Shared Objects
- Managing Common and Local Profiles

Managing Availability
- Managing Backups
- Managing Recovery Operations
- Managing Flashback Database
- Duplicating PDBs
- Special Situations and Views

Managing Performance
- Managing Performance
- Managing Resource Allocation
- Maximizing Consolidated Database Replay

- Exporting and Importing Data
- Loading Data
- Auditing Operations
- Scheduling Jobs
- Using Other Products


LIVEINAR - Oracle Database 12c: Managing Multitenant Architecture

1.340 € inkl. MwSt.