Englisch B2-C1 Literature de Online-Kurs



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  • Englisch


Für Fortgeschrittene, kleine Gruppe: Reading, Discussion and Grammar.
This course is particularly for those who enjoy reading and discussing contemporary fictional literature in English, but who also desire to have regular exercises in advanced grammar and vocabulary that help them to improve their active knowledge of the language as well as their pronunciation. Most of the materials we use will be distributed to students via email. Participants should plan on having enough time to read 15-35 pages of English prose per week. They will also need an email address for the course. Each meeting is divided into two sections: the first is dedicated to the discussion of the reading material, the second devoted to specific grammar and phonetic issues that arise during the discussion. The literature we've read so far in the group has largely been a selection of easily approachable narrative stories by Alice Munro, Graham Smith, and Raymond Carver, although we have also read some classic stories by James Joyce, J. D. Salinger, and Dorothy Parker. And we are open to suggestions. It's really quite fun!
powered by vhs.cloud: Diese Veranstaltung wird durch die Online-Lernumgebung der Deutschen Volkshochschulen unterstützt.

Englisch B2-C1 Literature de Online-Kurs

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