Deep Learning on AWS (AWSDL)



Preis auf Anfrage


  • Kursart


  • Methodik


  • Beginn

    auf Anfrage

We recommend that attendees of this course have the following prerequisites:

Basic understanding of ML processes
Basic understanding of AWS core services like EC2 and knowledge of AWS SDK
Basic knowledge of a scripting language e.g. Python

Standorte und Zeitplan





auf AnfrageAnmeldung möglich

Hinweise zu diesem Kurs

This course is intended for:

Developers responsible for developing DL applications
Developers who want to understand concepts behind deep learning and how to implement a DL solution on AWS

Deep Learning ILT introduces you to cloud based deep learning solutions on AWS. In this course, we will detail how deep learning is useful and explain the different concepts in deep learning. This course also teaches you how to run your models on the cloud using Amazon EC2 based Deep Learning AMI and MXNet framework. This course will help you gain a better understanding of deploying your deep learning models using AWS services like AWS Lambda, Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS) while designing intelligent systems on AWS based on deep learning.

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Erfolge dieses Bildungszentrums


Sämtlich Kurse sind auf dem neuesten Stand

Die Durchschnittsbewertung liegt über 3,7

Mehr als 50 Meinungen in den letzten 12 Monaten

Dieses Bildungszentrum ist seit 15 Mitglied auf Emagister


  • Basic


    • Introduction to Machine Learning
    • Introduction to Deep Learning
    • Lab 1: Spinning up Amazon Deep Learning AMI based on EC2 and preprocessing data
    • Introduction to MXNet on AWS
    • Lab 2: Running a Convolutional Neural Network model and predicting images
    • Deploying Deep Learning Workloads on AWS
    • Lab 3: Deploying Deep Learning model for predicting images using AWS Lambda

Deep Learning on AWS (AWSDL)

Preis auf Anfrage