Oracle Demantra 7.3.1 Real-Time Sales and Operations Planning Fundamentals



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This Oracle Demantra 7.3.1 Sales and Operations Planning training will teach you about the role of sales and operations planning in the Oracle Value Chain Planning solution. Expert Oracle University instructors will show you how to create a unified business plan based on a consensus between your organization’s sales, manufacturing, and financial departments.Learn To: Become familiar with where Oracle Demantra Sales and Operations Planning fits in the overall Oracle Value Chain Planning solution. Understand the Demand Review process.Edit and approve the consensus forecast. Conduct a supply review.Use executive review worksheets. Compare scenarios.Publish and archive plans.Benefits to You Companies that excel at sales and operations planning outperform their competition. By investing in this course, you’ll learn how to align your production with customer demand and ensure increased customer service levels. With a better understanding of your customer demand, you can better manage your inventories and reduce lead times. The result is a demand-driven organization with higher service levels and sales, more satisfied customers, and lower inventory and distribution costs. Deep Dive into Demand, Supply, and Executive ReviewsThe knowledge and skills you develop in this course will help you gain consensus at the demand and supply levels. It’s important to gain this consensus before you determine the financial implications and integrate top-level business plans with tactical plans during the executive review. Furthermore, you’ll learn how to use an iterative process to ensure that the tactical plans in all business functions and geographies are aligned with your company’s strategy. Finally, after all plans are approved, you’ll publish and archive the final demand and supply plans . Integrate Oracle Demantra Sales and Operations PlanningIf you are interested and time allows, our instructors will explain how to integrate Oracle Demantra Sales and Operations...

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Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse:Students should have Demand Management or equivalent hands on experience – this should not be their first Demantra class

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Oracle VCP OverviewIntroduction to Oracle Demantra Real-Time Sales and Operations PlanningUnderstanding the Demand ReviewUnderstanding the Supply ReviewUnderstanding the Executive ReviewIntegrating with Rapid PlanningIntegrating with Hyperion Planning
Förderung durch z.B. Bildungsprämie und NRW-Bildungsscheck möglichEmpfehlenswerte verwandte Kurse:Verwendete Datenbank Version:Demantra 7.3.1URL zur Kursbeschreibung als PDF: dieses Online-Trainings:17:00 Uhr bis 1:00 Uhr (Mitteleuropäischer Zeit)

Oracle Demantra 7.3.1 Real-Time Sales and Operations Planning Fundamentals

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