Oracle Hyperion Financial Mgmt 11.1.2: Create Rules Using Calc Mgr(



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This course is based on Oracle Hyperion Financial Management The class specifically covers creating rules and calculations in Hyperion Financial Management (rather than Hyperion Planning), and is designed to teach you how to create rules for advanced business calculations. The course is based on creating these rules and calculations within Calculation Manager. Expert Oracle University instructors will demonstrate how you can design, maintain, and execute complex rules by using Calculation Manager. Choose this course if you will use Calculation Manager.Learn How To:Create formulas, rules, rule sets and rules templates with Calculation Manager.Reduce database size and calculation time by properly using the custom and value dimensions in rules. Calculate percentages and ratios for dynamic accounts.Create loops by using member lists and data ranges.Create rules with proper data-handling techniques.Create allocation, currency translation, consolidation and elimination rules.Benefits to YouBy investing in this course, you’ll develop the knowledge and skills necessary to increase your organization’s database performance, write rules for dynamic accounts and create translation and consolidation rules. You’ll also walk away from this course with a new ability to effectively troubleshoot rules using log files.Note: The Calculation Manager class is specifically for Calculation Manager with Hyperion Financial Management, not Calculation Manager for Hyperion Planning.

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Introduction to Calculation ManagerCreating Rules and FormulasManaging RulesManaging TemplatesReducing Maintenance with VariablesManaging Rule Scope with ConditionsManaging the Custom and ICP DimensionsTroubleshooting with Log FilesCreating Rules Using Member RangesImproving Performance Using Data Units and Fixed LoopsManaging Financial Management DataManaging Dimension HierarchiesCreating Rules for Dynamic Accounts and Equity PickupCreating AllocationsCreating Currency Translation RulesCreating Consolidation and Elimination Rules

Zusätzliche Informationen

Förderung durch z.B. Bildungsprämie und NRW-Bildungsscheck möglichEmpfehlenswerte verwandte Kurse:Verwendete Datenbank Version:Oracle Hyperion Financial Management ( zur Kursbeschreibung als PDF: dieses Online-Trainings:16:00 Uhr bis 0:00 Uhr (Mitteleuropäischer Zeit)

Oracle Hyperion Financial Mgmt 11.1.2: Create Rules Using Calc Mgr(

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