Oracle Session Delivery Manager Operation and Configuration Ed 2



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This course covers the operation of the SDM by discussing what benefits the SDM brings to an Oracle Communications network. Topics include where the SDM fits in a network, how a day to day operator would monitor the network and create reports regarding the network’s performance and health. Also covered is a discussion on what data is available from the SDM. The SDM also simplifies the management and configuration of attached devices such as the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller. This course teaches the student how to configure the SDM and its optional applications to configure attached devices, to manage and manipulate routes for attached devices, to capture specified performance and health data from attached devices and to create customized reports. The course covers the operation and configuration of the Oracle Communications Applications Orchestrator which is an SDM option that manages and controls elastic cloud based networks.

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Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse:Working knowledge of mobile communications networksWorking knowledge of layer 2 and layer 3 networkingEmpfohlene Vorkenntnisse:Oracle SBC Configuration and Administration Ed1Oracle SBC Configuration and Administration Ed1

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Sämtlich Kurse sind auf dem neuesten Stand

Die Durchschnittsbewertung liegt über 3,7

Mehr als 50 Meinungen in den letzten 12 Monaten

Dieses Bildungszentrum ist seit 15 Mitglied auf Emagister


SDM concepts, architecture and deploymentInstallationGetting startedElement ManagementRoute ManagementReport ManagementApplications OrchestrationSDM ArchitectureSDM Applications and FeaturesInstallation ProcedureGetting StartedElement ManagerRoute ManagerReport ManagerApplications Orchestrator
Förderung durch z.B. Bildungsprämie und NRW-Bildungsscheck möglichEmpfehlenswerte verwandte Kurse:Verwendete Datenbank Version:Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager 7.4Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager 7.5URL zur Kursbeschreibung als PDF: dieses Online-Trainings:12:00 Uhr bis 20:00 Uhr (Mitteleuropäischer Zeit)

Oracle Session Delivery Manager Operation and Configuration Ed 2

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