Oracle GoldenGate 12c: Integrate Big Data



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Förderung durch z.B. Bildungsprämie und NRW-Bildungsscheck möglichEmpfehlenswerte verwandte Kurse:Oracle GoldenGate 12c: Fundamentals for OracleThis Oracle GoldenGate training provides presentations and hands-on practice of the commands, parameters, functions and features for installing and configuring Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle-to-Oracle database replication on a Linux or Windows platform. Oracle GoldenGate 12c: Advanced Configuration for OracleThis Oracle GoldenGate 12c training covers installing and configuring advanced features of the product, including active-active replication and conflict detection/resolution. Explore in more depth topics introduced in the fundamentals course, such as Event Marker and Advanced Data Transformation techniques. Implement 3-way, Multi-Master configurations and experiment with Oracle RAC, integrating Oracle GoldenGate with Oracle clusters. Configure Oracle GoldenGate replication in a Multi-tenant database supporting pluggable databases (PDBs.)Oracle Big Data Fundamentals Ed 2 In the Oracle Big Data Fundamentals course, you learn to use Oracle’s Integrated Big Data Solution to acquire, process, integrate and analyze big data. You will also learn about the Oracle Big Data Appliance, Oracle Big Data Cloud Service, and Oracle Big Data Cloud Service - Compute Edition.Oracle Big Data Fundamentals Ed 1 In the Oracle Big Data Fundamentals course, learn to use Oracle’s Integrated Big Data Solution to acquire, process, integrate and analyze big data. In this course, you will be introduced to Oracle Big Data Cloud Service.Oracle GoldenGate 12c: Troubleshooting and TuningThis Oracle GoldenGate 12c Troubleshooting and Tuning course teaches you the skills to be self-sufficient in gathering and examining evidence; you’ll also learn to solve case problems, diagnose their cause and find methods of resolution. Each of these practices challenges you to diagnose and troubleshoot the issue using GoldenGate software .Oracle...

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Data Warehouse-AdministratorTechnischer BeraterDatenbankadministratorenDatenbankdesigner Data Warehouse-Analytiker

Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse:Students should be familiar with the Oracle GoldenGate 12c productEmpfohlene Vorkenntnisse:While not required, a generic knowledge of SQL would help.Oracle GoldenGate 12c: Fundamentals for Oracle

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Dieses Bildungszentrum ist seit 15 Mitglied auf Emagister


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Oracle GoldenGate for Big Data 12c: Product OverviewConfiguring and Using the Hadoop HDFS HandlerConfiguring and Using the Hadoop HBase HandlerConfiguring and Using the Apache Flume HandlerConfiguring and Using the Apache Kafka HandlerConfiguring and Using the Cassandra HandlerConfiguring and Using the MongoDB HandlerConfiguring and Using the Generic JDBC HandlerConfiguring and Using Pluggable Formatters and the Metadata Provider

Oracle GoldenGate 12c: Integrate Big Data

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