PeopleSoft HCM Self-Service Applications Rel 9.2



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In the PeopleSoft HCM Self-Service Applications Rel 9.2 course, you will learn how to perform the common implementation tasks, including setting up role and permission security, workflow, direct reports, and groups and group security, required for all PeopleSoft HCM self-service applications. In addition, you will learn the administrator and manager requirements for transactions in each PeopleSoft HCM Self-Service application: PeopleSoft eProfile and eProfile Manager Desktop; PeopleSoft ePay; PeopleSoft eBenefits; PeopleSoft eCompensation and eCompensation Manager Desktop; and PeopleSoft eDevelopment. Learn To: Set up, configure, and manage self-service transactions. Identify and apply administrator requirements. Define Talent Summary and Manager Desktop pagelets. Manage voluntary paycheck deductions and electronic year-end tax forms. Manage open enrollment benefits. Manage compensation cycles, define budget and salary increase allocation requests and related approval processes, and generate Total Rewards statements. Update and approve person and nonperson profiles.Benefits to YouEnsure a smooth, rapid implementation of PeopleSoft HCM self-service applications. Better understand how to facilitate the management, planning, and reporting data available through the self-service applications.Set Up Common Implementation Tasks Learn about and set up the tables that support your HCM self-service applications. Identify how to define manager direct reports, workflow and security.Manage Self-Service Transactions Understand and set up the necessary tables to support each of the various HCM self-service transactions.

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Empfohlene Vorkenntnisse:Basic knowledge of core PeopleSoft HCM applications.Knowledge of and familiarity with PeopleSoft Workflow.Knowledge of and familiarity with PeopleSoft Text Catalog.

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Business Process OverviewCompleting Common Self-Service Implementation TasksSetting Up PeopleSoft eProfile and eProfile Manager DesktopSetting Up PeopleSoft ePaySetting Up PeopleSoft eBenefitsSetting Up PeopleSoft eCompensation and eCompensation Manager DesktopSetting Up PeopleSoft eDevelopment
Förderung durch z.B. Bildungsprämie und NRW-Bildungsscheck möglichEmpfehlenswerte verwandte Kurse:Verwendete Datenbank Version:PeopleSoft HCM 9.2URL zur Kursbeschreibung als PDF: dieses Online-Trainings:15:00 Uhr bis 23:00 Uhr (Mitteleuropäischer Zeit)

PeopleSoft HCM Self-Service Applications Rel 9.2

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